Submitted by Angie Forbes on
SKU: 23665164
This book will equip you with the knowledge and tools to assess and appropriately intervene in psychiatric, psychological, and spiritual care for your patients. Topics include depression and anxiety, grief reactions, fostering hope and a patient’s sense of purpose, addressing spiritual needs.
Upon completion of this self-study program the learner should be better able to
- identify common reactions to loss
- use predictors to assess the likelihood of complicated reactions to loss
- use effective interventions to re-establish a patient's sense of purpose
- use effective interventions to enhance a patient's sense of efficacy
- use effective interventions to foster hope
- assess and manage anxiety and depression with pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions
- differentiate complicated and uncomplicated grief reactions
- assess for spiritual pain and provide effective basic interventions
- involve other team members in alleviating psychological and spiritual pain.
Scott Irwin, MD PhD
Nathan Fairman, MD MPH
Lori Montross, PhD
Jeremy Hirst, MD
Janine Siegel, MA PhD
No CME credits available
Member Price: $65
List Price: $85

List price: $0.00
Price: $85.00