Intensive Board Review Course Recording (2018)
Study from your desktop, laptop or while on the go to prepare for the hospice and palliative medicine (HPM) subspecialty certification exam (ABMS/AOA) or to increase your knowledge in HPM and best clinical practices. Achieve these goals with the high quality content from the 2018 Intensive Board Review Course.
The IBRC faculty have reviewed the 2018 and 2020 hospice and palliative medicine exam blueprints and endorse the recording as a resource to prepare for the board exam.
Recorded at the 2018 Intensive Board Review Course.
Topics include:
- Additional Management Strategies for Cancer Related Symptoms
- Approaches to Care, including Hospice/Medicare
- Assessment and Care of the Dying Patient
- Communication and Teamwork
- Depression/Anxiety & Other Mood Disorders
- Ethical and Legal Decision Making
- Grief and Bereavement and Spiritual Care
- High Yield Pediatrics for the Boards
- Non-Pain Symptom Management – GI, Respiratory, Potpourri
- Pain Management – Overview and Special Topics
- Palliative Sedation/Physician-Assisted Dying/Discontinuation of Technological Support
- Practice Test Question Review Q&A
- Prognostication
- Symptom Potpourri
- Urgent Medical Conditions
Learning Outcomes
- Review core topics in hospice and palliative medicine through discussion of common and not-so-common clinical problems.
- Complete challenging test questions in hospice and palliative medicine.
- Assess patient pain, other symptoms and treatment side effects then recommend a care plan based on the best available evidence.
- Identify psychological, spiritual, social and cultural aspects of patient care and integrate support of those aspects into an overall plan of care.
- Discuss the role of prognostication in the care of patients near the end-of-life.
- Discuss ethical and legal concerns related to palliative care.
- Assess pain and symptoms and recommend a care plan for pediatric patients based on developmental needs.
Kimberly Curseen, MD
Mary Lynn McPherson, Pharm.D. MA MDE BCPS CPE
Drew Rosielle, MD FAAHPM
Sandra Sanchez-Reilly, MD AGSF FAAHPM
Scott Schwantes, MD FAAP FAAHPM
Joseph W. Shega, MD
Jeffrey Spiess, MD FAAHPM
Greg VandeKieft, MD MA FAAHPM
Michelle Weckmann, MD MS FAAHPM
Eric Widera, MD FAAHPM
No CME is offered with this product.