Submitted by Angie Forbes on
SKU: 23665165
This book presents the latest in assessing malignant and non-malignant pain, total pain, nociceptive and neuropathic pain, opioid conversions, common side effects of pain treatment, and nonopioid adjuvant medications.
Upon completion of this self-study program the learner should be better able to
- assess the difference between acute and chronic pain in terms of treatment strategies and opioid responses
- understand the historical evolution and concept of "total pain" and its importance to chronic pain and cancer pain management
- understand opioid pharmacology and its clinical importance
- understand pain pathways, phenotypes and the importance of these pathways to cancer pain management strategies
- understand cancer bone pain and neuropathic pain mechanisms and how these mechanisms relate to targeted pain management
- better assess pain using multiple pain assessment tools and questionnaires
- better determine when diagnostic tests should be used in assessing pain syndromes
- rationally choose an opioid based on patient and clinical characteristics and context
- convert opioid equivalents and adjust opioids using opioid conversion tables and guidelines
- understand the limitation of equianalgesic tables
- convert opioids from oral to alternative routes (intravenous, subcutaneous, rectal, and spinal)
- understand spinal analgesia and drug choices
- recite adjuvant and analgesic classes, understand the pharmacology of each class and when each class should be used and not used
- appropriately tritrate opioids based upon pain intensity
- identify and treat opioid side effects
- appropriately treat cancer pain in someone with an addiction disorder
- choose opioids and non-opioid analgesics for special populations, patients with liver disease, renal insufficiency and the elderly
Mellar P Davis, MD FCCP FAAHPM
Shalini Dala, MD
Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD MA BCPS CPE
Paul A. Sloan, MD
Harold Goforth, MD
Eric Roeland, MD FAAHPM
No CME credits available
Member Price: $65
List Price: $85

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Price: $85.00