Hospice Medical Director Manual 3rd edition

The Hospice Medical Director Manual has become an invaluable resource for physicians looking for the tools and knowledge to be successful as a hospice physician. The 3rd edition defines best practices, offers tools and sample documents, and provides answers about physician roles in hospice, employment in or contracting with a hospice, and the medical director's responsibilities on the hospice team and within the organization.

ISBN :9781889296074

Note: This manual was published in 2016. While still a valuable resource, some content is dated. Refer to the AAHPM Learn catalog for more current content specific to government audits and coding and billing.

Product Details

Janet Bull, MD MBA HMDC FAAHPM, and Martha Twaddle, MD HMDC FACP FAAHPM

Organizational Standards
Joel Policzer, MD FACP FAAHPM, and Robert Friedman, MD HMDC FAAFP FAAHPM

Clinical-Administrative Responsibilities and Clinical Care
Robert Friedman, MD HMDC FAAFP FAAHPM, and Joel Policzer, MD FACP FAAHPM

Pediatric Hospice
Lindsay Ragsdale, MD FAAP, Emily L. Riegel, MD, and Todd R. Coté, MD HMDC FAAFP FAAHPM

Administration and Management
Janet Bull, MD MBA HMDC FAAHPM, and Martha Twaddle, MD HMDC FACP FAAHPM

Community Relations
Todd R. Coté, MD FAAFP FAAHPM, and Gary Hsin, MD FAAHPM

Hospice Research
Jean Kutner, MD MSPH FAAHPM, Jane L. Wheeler, MSPH, Janet Bull, MD MBA HMDC FAAHPM, and Amy P. Abernethy, MD PhD FACP FAAHPM

Hospice Leadership

Hospice Provider Burnout and Self-Care
Emily L. Riegel, MD, and Christian T. Sinclair, MD FAAHPM

Ethical Decision Making
Francine Rainone, DO PhD MS FAAPHM, and Kathleen W. Faulkner, MD FAAHPM

Diversity and Hospice
Lyla J. Correoso-Thomas, MD HMDC, Sean O’Mahony, MB BCH BAO MS, and Shail Maingi, MD

©2016, 318 pages, softcover

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