Our Stories: Transgender and Non-binary Professionals On the Essence of Person-centered Care

In this moderated panel discussion, transgender and non-binary professionals will share their own life experiences and recommend affirming practices for communicating with and caring for people in this diverse community. They will illuminate how the practice of cultural humility, which holds an open and curious perspective free of judgment and assumptions, is essential for providing inclusive and equitable care.  Panelists will use their own stories to illustrate the diversity of transgender and/or non-binary experiences, dispel common misunderstandings, and identify helpful approaches. They will outline best practices to promote person-centered care for transgender and/or non-binary people encountered in medical settings and those living with serious illness.  Drawing on their dual experiences as both givers and receivers of care, the panelists will explore what matters most for transgender and/or non-binary people and how caring professionals can make a difference. 


Target Audience

Hospice Medical Directors
HPM Physicians
Nurse Practitioners
Professionals in Training

Learning Outcomes

Desired Outcomes: 

  1. Illustrate the diversity of transgender and/or non-binary experiences
  2. Dispel common misunderstandings
  3. Identify helpful approaches
Activity summary
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AAHPM endorses the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Standards for disclosure and commercial support and endeavors to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor for all accredited products or programs. All who are in a position to control or influence the content of an educational activity must disclose any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.*Disclosure documents were reviewed for potential conflicts of interest and, if identified, were resolved prior to confirmation of participation. Only those who had no conflict of interest or who agreed to an identified resolution process prior to their participation were involved in this activity.

All editors, faculty and staff have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

*An ineligible company is defined as any entity producing, marketing, reselling, or distributing healthcare goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients. 

Lead Faculty

Content Editors
Julie Bruno, MSW LCSW
Julie Tanner, BSN RN-BC CHPN

Stephanie Adams
Leah Farfan
Theresa Nissen
Julie Tanner, BSN RN-BC CHPN
Angie Tryfonopoulos

This recorded activity is a non-accredited learning resource. No CME or MOC is offered with this activity.


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